Harvestman Rehouse and More Updates

 Hi. Welcome back to another blog post. Today I have just got a large enclosure to put my harvestman that I collected on my trip to Berastagi.

They were previously in this small critter keeper which has a lot of ventilation which makes storing humidity difficult.

I think they were also too crammed which resulted in two casualties. If you know harvestmen, they instantly munched and took a chunk out of the corpses.

So, I drilled less but I think enough ventilation for them to live.

Pseudogagrella sp. enclosure 

It's a 3 gallon storage container with a substrate of peatmoss, organic topsoil and cocofiber.

I guess due to the lack of humidity in the old critter keeper they were dehydrated, which could also be a possibility for the two casualties.

But since there was moist sphagnum moss, they immediately started to... I'm not sure if they're drinking or munching but they immediately went for the sphagnum.

That probably felt so good, lol ๐Ÿ˜† 

It was adorable to see them enthusiastically going for it.

I hope they do breed in this enclosure as well, and if they do I would love to share it here.

Anyway, that's all I got to show for the harvestmen.

Next up is a very exciting thing.

I actually had a female Crossopriza lyoni back from March 3rd, and I received her with eggs in her mouth. The babies didn't end up making it after a few weeks most likely due to my bad care.

But, today she just laid her 2nd batch of eggs! I will be more aware and care for the babies too.

Crossopriza lyoni with eggs

Fingers crossed for good growth for our future slings๐Ÿคž

I am so excited!

Last but not least, I would like to show you a new addition. 

I have been wanting these guys for a long time now. 

Some Neotermes! I think the species is sugioi but it's not confirmed.

There are around 5-8 workers at the moment and I hope I can have a strong, thriving colony in the future.

Aren't they cute?

The queen and king are gorgeous too. Orangeish-red color is gorgeous.

Anyway, that's all for this post. Thank you for reading and goodbye ๐Ÿ‘‹


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