Adult Harlequins!

 Hello everyone. Welcome to another post

In this post I'd like to give an update on my harlequin roaches (Neostylopyga rhombifolia)

The last time I gave an update was a few posts ago, this post

And since May, the harlequins have grown a lot!



In September most of them were still in the small orange stage, but some were already an instar away from maturing.

October (The time I posted this)

Here's a pretty low quality phone photo of the few adults that have just matured a few days ago.

You can tell by the vestigial wings that they have matured, and as shown in the 2nd picture there are still some individuals in the small orange stage.

And that's pretty much all the updates for now, thanks for reading and goodbye ๐Ÿ‘‹ 


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